Ekonomika, financiranje in makroekonomski vidiki energetskih in infrastrukturnih investicij gradnje verige hidroelektrarn na srednji Savi: Economics, Finance and Macroeconomic Aspects of Energy and Infrastructure Investments in Hydro Energetic Power Plants on Middle Sava River


Žan Jan Oplotnik
France Križanič
Vasja Kolšek
Peter Medica


Planed investment in ten hydroelectric power plants represents the cost of 1,217 million €. At the same time there will be a need for investment in infrastructure in roads, including main road (184 million €), in railroad on Tenth Trans European transport corridor (722 million €) in Electric power transmission (8 million €) and in Telecommunications network (0.5 million €). Total investment is going to be up to 2,131 million €, 57% of which will be needed for the investment in power plants, and the rest, 43%, for infrastructural investment. There are two main concepts about investment in infrastructure. Both include EU funds available for that kind of investment. The first concept is a classical budget spending to invest in public owned goods  and the second concept is public private partnership. The funds needed for domestic, being state or private, investment in infrastructure connected with ten  hydroelectric power plants construction should be repaid from different sources, as “shadow toll” and “the railway track use compensation”. According the profitability of project there is a sense to finance it partly by credit and partly by owned capital. Next to that, project is going to have a direct and indirect effect on Slovenian economy, expecting to increase Slovenian GDP for about 1.4 billion € (+4%). This effect is going to be spread on more years. There will be also 47 thousand jobs connected with the project and it will influence strong growth of value added in construction, business services, trade, machinery, metal industry, manufactory of electrical and optical equipment, non-metal minerals production, transport and financial intermediation. Economic activity, connected with the project, is going to have strong fiscal consequences: from 0.5 to 0.6 billion € (up to 1.7% of GDP) tax gain. On the other side the investment will negatively hit Slovenian balance-sheet. In short term it will be totally worsen for 1.1 billion € (the growth in imports of goods and services).

Author Biographies

Žan Jan Oplotnik

Žan Jan Oplotnik, Ph. D., Associate Professor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Razlagova ulica 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, email: zan.oplotnik@um.si.

France Križanič

France Križanič, Ph.D., EIPF Ekonomski inštitut d.o.o., Prešernova cesta 21, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, email: france.krizanic@eipf.si.

Vasja Kolšek

Vasja Kolšek, M.Sc., University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Gosarjeva ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, email: vasja.kolsek@fu.uni-lj.si.

Peter Medica

Peter Medica, M.Sc., EIPF Ekonomski inštitut d.o.o., Prešernova cesta 21, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, email: info@eipf.si.

Cover for Ekonomika, financiranje in makroekonomski vidiki energetskih in infrastrukturnih investicij gradnje verige hidroelektrarn na srednji Savi: Economics, Finance and Macroeconomic Aspects of Energy and Infrastructure Investments in Hydro Energetic Power Plants on Middle Sava River
October 18, 2013

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
DOI (06)
Physical Dimensions